Mission Statement


The Little Raven PTO is a group of parents, staff, and community members that collaborate in an inclusive, positive and welcoming partnership.


The purposes of Little Raven’s PTO is to:

  • Provide Opportunities for student and teacher growth.

  • Build community by fostering family involvement and strong relationships with the school and families.

  • Provide financial support for student and staff needs.

  • Elevate the Little Raven experience by providing support in a variety of ways that helps the school and students thrive.

Board Members

Co-Presidents - Ali Jurotich and Margarita Moreno


principal - Lyndsey case

Assistant Principal - Lindsey Sieck


Outgoing President(s) Advisor - Jen Flynn and JosELYN Merritt


Secretary - Angie Reeves

Treasurer - Dominic Mascia

Member-at-Large - peter baggus, teresa anaya, and sarah johnston 


Bolt Committee Chair - Jenn Ray